Palm Oil パームオイル
次世代エネルギーの一つとして期待が寄せられているパームオイルは、安定供給が難しいことが問題点となっていました。しかし私共The Sakura Green社は、インドネシア地場企業であるPT SAKURA OKAMOTO INDONESIA社との業務提携により安定継続的な確保を可能にしました。
Palm oil expected to be one of the next generation energy. It has a problem that stable supply was difficult. However, we The Sakura Green Ltd succeed to secure stable and continuous supply by business alliance with PT SAKURA OKAMOTO INDONESIA a local company in Indonesia.
Palm oil expected to be one of the next generation energy. It has a problem that stable supply was difficult. However, we The Sakura Green Ltd succeed to secure stable and continuous supply by business alliance with PT SAKURA OKAMOTO INDONESIA a local company in Indonesia.

Voluntary Initiatives For Ensuring Sustainable Palm Oil 持続可能なパームオイルの確保に関する自主的取組
The Sakura Green社は、パームオイルが持続可能な商品として世界に受け入れられるよう、持続可能性を確保したパーム油調達を目的として、以下の自主的取組方針のもと活動を行ってまいります。
- 弊社は、生産地の環境(森林保護、生物多様性の保全)や経済、そこで働く人々の人権(強制労働や児童労働の排除)等に配慮した、持続可能なパーム油の生産と利用を促進するという「持続可能なパーム油のための円卓会議(RSPO)」の趣旨に賛同し、2019年3月よりRSPOの準会員として加盟致しました。パーム油を利用する企業として、持続可能なパーム油調達に積極的に取組んでまいります。
- 弊社は、持続可能性(合法性)の確保に関する自主的取組として、調達元の現地サプライヤーと協力し、農園にまで遡ったトレーサビリティの確保とともに、RSPOなど持続可能性基準に適合した農園からの調達に努めます。
Palm oil is an oil obtained from oil palm, and the annual production scale in the world centering on Indonesia and Malaysia has reached 70 million tons. Palm oil is the most produced vegetable oil in the world and is widely used in foods, cosmetics, chemical products, and fuel for power generation. Due to its versatility and relatively low price, demand is growing rapidly, and demand is expected to grow in the future.
However, in palm oil production in recent years, it has been pointed out that tropical deforestation and burning for plantation development, impact on wildlife and biodiversity, pollution of soil, water and air, adverse working environment, human rights violations and impact on indigenous peoples.
The Sakura Green Ltd. will carry out activities based on the following voluntary action policy, with the aim of procuring palm oil that ensures sustainability so that palm oil can be accepted as a sustainable product in the world.
- We support the purpose of the “Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)” to promote the production and use of sustainable palm oil in consideration of the environment (forest protection, conservation of biodiversity) and economy of the production area and the human rights of those who work there (elimination of forced labor and child labor). We joined RSPO membership from March 2019. As a company that uses palm oil, we will actively work on sustainable palm oil procurement.
- As a voluntary initiative to ensure sustainability, we will work with local suppliers from the procurement source to ensure traceability that goes back to the farm and to procure from farms that meet sustainability standards such as RSPO.
Documents 資料
RSPO Confirmation

Explanation of terms
FFB; Fresh Fruit Bunch = 果実
EFB; Empty Fruits Bunch= パーム椰子空果房(実を取り出して空となった繊維状の房)
PKS; Palm Kernel Shell = パーム椰子種殻
CPO; Crude Palm Oil = パーム原油
POME; Palm Oil Mill Effluent= パーム廃液
PAO; Palm Acid Oil = パーム酸油
Seed Cake; 種子かす
RBD; Refined, Bleached and Deodorized = 精製、漂白、脱臭
PMF; Palm Mid Fraction= パーム油中融点分別脂
PSO; Palm Super Olein Stearin; 高融点の油, Olein; 低融点の油 融点の違いで分別される
FAME ; Fatty acid methyl ester = 脂肪酸メチルエステル
FFB; Fresh Fruit Bunch = 果実
EFB; Empty Fruits Bunch= パーム椰子空果房(実を取り出して空となった繊維状の房)
PKS; Palm Kernel Shell = パーム椰子種殻
CPO; Crude Palm Oil = パーム原油
POME; Palm Oil Mill Effluent= パーム廃液
PAO; Palm Acid Oil = パーム酸油
Seed Cake; 種子かす
RBD; Refined, Bleached and Deodorized = 精製、漂白、脱臭
PMF; Palm Mid Fraction= パーム油中融点分別脂
PSO; Palm Super Olein Stearin; 高融点の油, Olein; 低融点の油 融点の違いで分別される
FAME ; Fatty acid methyl ester = 脂肪酸メチルエステル